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Timeless Echoes is a music production duo consisting of Tera, a DJ/Beatmaker, and Yota Miyachi, a Synthesizer player/Composer.
They formed in 2020 to explore the possibilities of making music with sampling and synthesizers through their various activities.
Their laid-back sound is a cross between Tera's sample edited from his vast record archives and Yota Miyachi's rippling synths sounds.
They released their first EP "Melody at the ocean" in 2020.
DJ/BeatmakerのTeraとSynthesizer playerのYota Miyachiからなる楽曲制作デュオ。
Teraの膨大なレコードアーカイブからサンプルしエディットされた音とYota Miyachiの波紋のように拡がるシンセが交差するレイドバックサウンド。
2020年にファーストEP『 Melody at the ocean 』をリリース。
Timeless Echoes
Melody at the Ocean
After the Dance
It comes and it goes
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